Wondering about the status of your order?

To keep tabs on your purchase, utilize the tracking link embedded in your shipping confirmation email. Prior to reaching out to us, we recommend checking this link for the most efficient way to locate your order.

Should more than 14 days pass beyond the specified delivery date without receiving an update via email or text, please contact us. We're committed to assisting you promptly.

Curious why your order hasn't arrived?

While we strive for swift delivery, occasional human errors or unforeseen delays in parcel shipments can occur. Rest assured, these setbacks are not intentional, and we are dedicated to addressing any issues in a professional manner.

Anticipating your order's arrival?

Typically, your order should reach you within 72 hours of placing it, excluding weekends and bank holidays. If it hasn't arrived as expected, consult your order and shipping confirmation emails for the estimated delivery date.

Missing items from your order?

Refer to your confirmation email to confirm the items ordered. At times, due to unavailability, we may cancel out-of-stock items, ensuring the rest of your order is dispatched without delay. This also applies when items are stored in separate warehouses, resulting in separate deliveries.

Looking for order details without paperwork?

We're embracing a paperless approach for environmental reasons. Rest assured, all necessary information will be delivered digitally through email updates on order processing, shipping, and feedback.

Lost paperwork? Need to return an item?

Simply contact us via call, email, or online chat for guidance. Our 60-day return policy allows flexibility, though keep in mind that unless a cosmetic product is faulty, refunds or exchanges may not be possible.

Returning a faulty item?

No worries, it's on us. For non-faulty returns, we recommend using a recorded or tracked service, and parcels can be sent to Tower Health Returns at Unit 27 Manvers Business Park, High Hazles Road, Nottingham, NG12 3GZ.

Providing feedback?

For compliments, complaints, or general feedback, visit our Contact Us page. Feel free to share your thoughts on Trustpilot and Google reviews as well.

Why share your email and mobile number?

Providing a valid email and mobile number during guest checkout allows us to keep you informed about your parcel's status, including order number, details, and expected delivery updates.